HomeHealthSnoring:  Your Nasal Septum Affects Sleep Apnea and Snoring

Been Snoring? Allergies and Nasal Septum to Blame?

Most people, even chronic snorers, never think about the relationship between their nasal septum and snoring. In reality, however, a deviated septum is one of the most common causes of snoring and can often be slightly corrected without the use of invasive surgery.

The septum is, in essence, the flap of skin and cartilage that divides your two nostrils. Because the majority of the septum lies within your nasal cavity and cannot be easily seen, many people would never know they had a deviated septum if it wasn't for the snoring. However, the curvature of the septum makes it more difficult for an individual to breathe, causing a snoring sound as air moves through the nostrils.

In the next few paragraphs, you will learn about the causes of deviated septums, as well as the two main ways to correct this defect. Please remember, however, that nothing can ever take the place of the consulation of a qualified health care professional, especially if your snoring has become or is becoming uncontrollable.

Nasal Septum and Snoring: Causes and Cures

There are two main causes for a deviated septum. The first is childbirth. As children are born, their skulls experience a great deal of pressure in the birth canal. In some children, the pressure is great enough to curve the septum unnaturally. The other way is to have your nose broken, which often heels back incorrectly.

A deviated septum has no medical consequences; you are left simply with the decision as to whether or not you want to snore. If the answer is no, your first option is to try a nasal strip, which decreases air flow resistance. Unfortunately, however, the next option is usually surgery in which doctors straighten your septum back out. Fortunately, though, less than two percent of individuals with deviated septums ever have to go through that.

For those of you who are considering surgery, you could also experience some cosmetic benefits. Because a rhinoplasty generally includes some sort of shaping of the septum, many patients who receive septal surgery for medical reasons elect to get a full rhinoplasty while they are under the knife. Keep in mind, however, that many insurance companies will cover septum surgery for the purpose of reducing snoring, while few, if any, will cover a rhinoplasty for cosmetic reasons.

Good luck on your quest to find quiet nights!

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